Well, there it is. Whiteface in New York got pounded with snow and I have the photo to prove it. Christian sent me this. He is from "upstate" and so he got the "upstate update". I guess that means that we could be getting some fluff any time now. I still doesn't seem real.
Every year at this time we have been trying to NOT think about snow here at the shop because it can make you crazy. In August you know it is unrealistic. September too. Sometimes we ski in October, but not often, and never early in the month. Mid October you realize it is time to actually get ready. Now is the time. If they can do it, Boreal will open before the end of the month. When finished with this post I will go to the weather web sites. I have not checked much for a number of months, but now it is time to go for the first of a hundred or so visits over the winter. Time to start monitoring the Jet Stream. If it gets cold, Boreal will start blowing snow, and I need to know about it.
So far this month I have been trying to get the training and hiring moving along. Doing pretty good in both arenas I guess. I still want one more full timer, so if you know anybody...? I also have missed the last few weekends at the shop. A Chico State fraternity reunion and then a visit to Eugene to visit my daughter Jennifer have taken up the last two weekends.
Now I am anchored and entrenched until Thanksgiving or so. Thanks to having John, Martin and the rest of the staff around, I feel like I can take off like this. Normally I can. This weekend on Saturday however we had a sort of Perfect Storm. Due to a LOT of wierd and unforseen circumstances Martin was the only Employee available Saturday moring untill 2:00. Yikes! I almost cancelled my trip and ate the airline ticket, and had Elizabeth go alone. But I couldn't bear to let my daughter down, so I went. Good thing as Rebecca had taken the train up from Chico to surprise me. My birthday is coming up and this became my family party. Nice! Martin said it was fine. We had a good day but everyone politely waited for the reinforcements to show up before coming in. Thanks! We appreciate that!
So now I have to catch up a bit. I figure no days off for the next week or two and I will feel up to date! That puts us right on schedule for skiing on Haloween right? If the snow comes, I will be ready and so will the shop! So do the dance and pray to Uler. And Think Snow!
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