Is the mass of weather out in the Pacific the one to trigger our ski season? Can we go now? Are we there yet? Can we start now? Is it soup yet?
After the opening of the store each August the speculation begins. When will the season start? This year has been pretty good so far in my eyes. October 11th there was skiing at Boreal. On Thanksgiving most resorts were open for business using some combination of natural and man made snow. You could have skied a lot of days already on a single lift servicing a single ribbon of white. We have had a normal "soft opening" and are prepped for the real McCoy.
This next week appears to be the real thing. A series of storms that should blanket the Sierra and open things all over the resorts. I'll believe it when I see it, but it looks like it is going to happen.
This will bring a big sigh of relief to my entire industry as it does every year. This year more than others though. After a very poor sales season nationally last year, the manufacturers and retailers all had too much gear left over from the winter. The big factories in Europe (and Asia) don't want to slow production of goods but there is too much inventory already in "the pipeline". We need a cleansing year to get things right. The economy plays a part in all this of coarse. More important is the weather. If we have a great snow season, people will ski. They will buy skis and boots. Helmets and goggles. Jackets and base layers. Chapstick and lift tickets. Destination resorts will see the skiers come. Local resorts will see skier days rise. All will be right with the world. At least that's what all the sales reps are saying.
And they are probably right. Low sales have meant much belt tightening in the industry. Reps have lost lines as companies cut budgets. Brands have overhauled their business plans. Retailers ordered soft for this season because of high amounts of gear carried over from last year. Manufacturers have cut production surplusses to make sure they do not get stuck with overstock situations again.
Sales reps have been peddling the closeouts that they still have left from last year. They are also pushing us to reorder 2009/10 items we think we may need now later as the inventories on this years products is already getting pretty slim. We have barely sold any of the new stuff yet and they want us to reorder! Nobody wants to be stuck with overstocks items on their hands. Some of the retailers are biting too. Now a number of the "big boys" have started offering discounts to "pick me, pick me!" on reorders. Everybody has been nervous about the future-both short term and long term. There has been talk of major brands that are "in trouble" pulling out of the US market next year if things don't go well again this winter. And all the time they remind us that a good winter will make it all work out ok. As we are in a hold pattern waiting to see when snowfall will make sales numbers zoom, everybody seems to have not much else to do but worry.
Well I for one am tired of the speculation. Tired of the stressed out sales reps. Tired of waiting to ski. Tired of worrying about it. I hope that this storm is a great one. For me and my business it would be a good thing. For a lot of people and companies that I know and care about in the industry it may be a necessity at this point. If it happens, everybody can relax a bit and just get down to doing our jobs. And skiing!
With that end in mind, I have staffed up starting this Saturday and through the next weekend. If it doesn't happen, I will simply have a high payroll for the week and need to drum up some more "projects" to keep everyone busy. If it does happen, I can stop worrying and start working.
Uler is the Norse god of snow and he is the one that holds the key to all of our fortunes at this point. So I will do my snow dance again and again seeking Ular's love. The photo of Rebecca above shows that she has been doing the dance. Please do yours too.
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