Just got back from a 5 day trip to Vermont for the wedding of an old and dear friend. The whole family went. We used to go most years as Elizabeth's best friend lived in Burlington. She doesn't live there now. She lives in Kansas City. We don't go to Kansas City. We like Vermont much better and we still have a handful of friends there. It had been 7-8 years since we had been to visit so it was good to catch up.
Some quick notes from the trip:
Fall leaf colors- I cannot overstate their beauty
Visited Stowe, Sugarbush and Mad River Glen. All show potential.
Ski 'em all! They are not really very far apart.
Burlington is Berkeley East.
The National Chain stores have hit Church Street :(
There is not a genuine hoagie in California.
There is no genuine Mexican food in Vermont.
Round barns are the ticket for fall weddings.
Great job Steve! Mindy rocks. We are very happy for you both.
I reccomend Bill Curley at Inverness Ski in Waitsfield if you need a shop there.
The Chrysler 300 is a true pimp mobile at affordable rental rates!
The Rockies and the Sierra both look white and delicious from above right now!
1 comment:
Dude, You came all the way to the east coast and didn't even call me? What the heck man, I only live two hours from burlington, plus they have some good beer there, I would have taken that drive?! Anyway, just giving you a hard time man, later Gully
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