Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Let's get this party started!

Martin is getting ready. He has his party hat on. We are all busy as beavers getting the store ready for the ski season. We have made lots of changes and getting things dialed. Staff training season is here too so the company representatives are coming in to do their educational training. and on top of that the customer traffic flow has been higher than ever before during the early season.
It feels like go time.
But it is not- it is "get ready for go time".
Go time is another level altogether!
But for now this is exciting and keeps us very busy.
In the last few weeks we have:
-Doubled our rental department in size (Lot's more alpine gear plus we added back country skis and boots for men and women)
-added about 240 feet of new boot shelving
-eliminated all clothing items from the store. Mens, womens, and kids. We still have accessories...
-expanded our ski and back country areas
-built and installed two new boot fitting stations to accommodate four customers
-launched a new social media campaign on Facebook etc. (I do not know much about all that but trust my staff when they say that this is happening?)
-Brought in three new employees
Sponsored a back country movie last week
-committed to Snowbomb the week end of 11/10 and 11/11
- Committed to a back country mixer the night of 11/16
 -Filmed a segment for Kevin Tinto of on what is new in boots, plus a segment on skis and one on gloves.
So. Now we need to put the finishing touches on a number of these things. And by then I suspect...
It will be Go Time!