Saturday, December 20, 2008
Now we are skiing!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
I hope you're happy too!

Winter looks to be here finally! It should start snowing in Tahoe tonight. The resorts are happy, I am happy. I hope you're happy too. This means that business will ramp up big time. Expanded hours are now in effect, rentals will start needing staff, ski sales will explode. It's all hands on deck through the new year and beyond.
We are ready and able to respond to the surge. Rebecca (daughter #1, pictured above) comes back from Chico on Thursday and will be full time. Brian, Mitsi and Gabe get relief from school and will put in hours. Peter and Gary will add a day extra. Christian and Jeremy are both suddenly available to work some too. John Martin and myself will start with the long days as we do every year at this time. It's funny. I don't look forward to grinding insoles at midnight, but I have fond recollections of working late with Martin and John. Kind of a bonding thing I guess.
In any case, we are (to the best of my ability) well trained, organized, well equipped, and loaded to the rafters with the best ski gear available. Our Winter Sale prices are awesome and the signage is all dialed in. The skis, boots, helmets, bags, boots, and accessories look great. Everyone seems to think we have the best clothing selection we have have ever had- particularly for kids. Overall, I look around the store here a few hours before opening and I think we are ready.
Best of all- let the skiing begin!
Monday, December 8, 2008
Mackie will be the man!

Well, the Sierra looks nothing like this picture! There is no snow and nothing before the middle of the month that is at all promising. Oh well, what can we do? If Ulr doesn't want to deliver then we are at his mercy.
Back at the shop we are staying busy. Good customer flow as well as the ever growing list of projects. The latest "for fun" project was dealt with by Mackie. Mackie is our resident high schooler. Every year I look for a kid that is into skiing and has never had a job. If I find the right candidate, I hire them. I loved my first job (at a bike shop). The Owner as great and I learned and matured a lot there. I want to do the same for others. This year it's Mackie. Mackie is the younger brother of Vonnie who worked for me a few years ago. Vonnie called me about adding Mackie to the team. After speaking to his father and Mackie, we did just that. So far he has shown himself to be smart, attentive, and willing to tackle all projects and tasks thrown at him. Even ones that are broad in scope and short on instruction.
One such project is the new tram. Many of you know that we have an old gondola car from Mammoth Mountain hanging from the ceiling at the shop. I like that sort of ambiance in my environment - what can I say? So, last year I bartered for a "G-Scale" tram with a boot customer. G-Scale is a type of model railroad. They are called Garden Trains in England and they are basically large model trains and accessories designed to be used outdoors. This is a two car ski tram with all the detail including a "tramhouse" (cardboard) and "action figures" like G.I. Joe characters.
I put it up with our antique boots with the thought of setting it up at a later date. It's been a summer gone now and I had not yet put up this new toy.Looking for a good project for our newbie, Mackie got the call. Not exactly sure where to set it up, but knowing that a trial set up was in order I gave Mackie a loose plan. I intended to go into more detail as to the steps of concept, drawing, materials list, implementation, refinement etc. but I got called away and John got there first. Any time there is a project, John likes to take part. Ingenious, smart, and experienced, John is a king of fabrication and modification. He and Mackie were hard at it. A huge platform bolted to the stairs and talk of lag bolts on the far wall were the kind of snippets I was overhearing as I scurried around helping customers.
At the end of the day I went over the project with Mackie. Need longer cables, angles seem sensitive, far wall needs platform. He was on top of it. I told him my idea of a simple set up for now, with the final goal of trying to use the tram to bring rental forms from the upstairs to the front counter. That way it is not simply decorative but useful as well. Mackie nodded like he understood.
I looked for longer cable at the hardware store the next morning. No luck. I told Mackie we would have to table the gondola for a bit 'cause I didn't have the longer cable. Mackie nodded like he understood. Shortly after Mackie brought me a ball of cotton string from the shop. He asked me if there was any reason it wouldn't work for the tram. "At least to test it", he added. Why not, I said? A few hours later Mackie asked me to give him a hand. He had strung the tram from the rental area to the front counter using the "kite string". The motor and bullwheel were attached with c-clamps so they could be easily be moved round and adjusted. I helped him adjust the pulley angle and we fired it up. It worked! There are a few bugs to be worked out but we are now about a year ahead of schedule on the tram project!
So I think Mackie will work out ok. Just so long as I can keep him from getting bored. If you are in charge of personnel for a company that will be hiring in about six years, keep track of Mackie. Mackie will be the man!
Monday, December 1, 2008
I love you guys!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Looking to the heavens
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Snow in the Sierra!
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Report from Portillo

Thursday, September 25, 2008
Free Avalanche Awareness Class
Monday, September 1, 2008
Kickin' it off!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Boxes and Fires and Powder
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
End of summer thoughts

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Summer Time and the living is easy
Skis lean against a cabin with no snow. It can be done. Skiing is still out there. I'm not. Too much effort. Neil has been going to Mt. Hood. Brian is already up there- fighting fires. Except that as of the 15th there had been no action in the fire business so he was splitting his time between skiing and Mountain Biking.
John is in Hawaii (not skiing). Me? Tentative plans to hit Hood late July but so far nothing epic as far as skiing is concerned. I have graduated a daughter from high school (Rebecca-above). You may know her from the store. We then spent a few days in Chico for her freshman orientation (the best part was shad fishing the Sacramento river- we killed it!). Graduation week means Friends, family, parties. My dad was out from Colorado for a week or so. Graduation means good times! This took us through the middle of June.
Now I have ramped up the golf and bike outings and have been working at the shop about 15 hours a week. I'm chipping away at computer input for next years items and reviewing all the order confirmations for next years merchandise. Lot's of mistakes are found in this process. It's pretty much a dead heat in the competition for most mistakes, but I think I am slightly ahead of the sales reps at this point. Customer appointments and random drop ins have kept the cash flow pretty solid too. Lot's of insoles for things other than skiing. Plenty of golf shoe inserts. Next Wednesday I'm doing some for a pair of hockey skates. Some tune type labor and hardgood and soft goods odds and ends for the group that is still backcountry skiing too. A duke binding one day. A pair of socks "with good shin padding please" yesterday. It also always surprises me how many of you see the front door open and just stop by to say "hi!". It always makes my day when this happens...
Now I am turning my attention to the retail space. John and I cleared out the back shop and pressure washed all the mats and cleaned the floor as soon as we got back from Mammoth. Yuck, what a grungy job, but it's done now. Now we are in the sparkle and shine mode. Yesterday a new carpet was put down. Finally some relief for aching retail legs- we now have a pad under the rug! We had to clear the floor and the walls up to 5 feet install it. Now we will procede to finish clearing the walls and scrub, dust, scour, and polish it all back into a sparkly winter wonderland. After that we will re-do all the merchandising. Both daughters will be involved with this process. Neither would be interested at all except that gas is now bleeding them dry and they need extra income. I'll be glad to have the company. Once we get it cleaned up John will be back from Hawaii to help set up the sales floor with the girls. I will migrate back upstairs to work on next years signage and finish all the purchase orders by August 1st.
It has to be ready by then because after that it all starts to happen pretty fast. All the product for the year comes in the next two weeks. I call this the "Every day is Christmas" phase of my job. So there it is. Biding our time, prepping the space and waiting around for Christmas!
Monday, June 2, 2008
A Brief Spring Fling
Monday, May 12, 2008
Thanks for a Great Season!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Climbing up a big mountain without a lift
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Skiing with a Hart on...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Final Exams are like Clearance Sales?
Monday, March 31, 2008
Torn between two lovers
Friday, March 21, 2008
About Peter Keelty

Sunday, March 16, 2008
Happy people in Utah
As you can see from the photo, Rebecca was pretty happy to be sking in Utah. We all were. We were able to ski with Peter Keelty of fame on Monday and Tuesday and that was great. Peter combined a passholders tour of the resort with some great instruction each day. Monday at Deer Vallay was great with 6 of us. Tuesday at Alta with 7 in the group was great too. Wednsday we made a great decision and went back to Alta with a smaller group of 4. Todds dad's rental boots were fine so that was great. We were sking the greatest snow on earth and that was great. Both resorts we went to had no snowboarders and that is great. Todd picked all the resteraunts which were all great. I saw really great moguls for the first time in a while. We were all on gear that we think is great. The greatest thing however is being able to share these great things with people you enjoy spending time with and enjoying the experience together. SOOO glad I was able to take my daughters. They are simply the funniest and most fun girls on the planet. Throw Todd into the same room and I feel like I am watching a sitcom. Great times!
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The buying part is over
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Time to buy!
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Post Demo days thoughts

Well I had four days last week to decide what is what with next years skis. I didn't get to ski everything I would have liked to, but I got to ski a lot of skis! We covered all our current brands models as well as heavy time on Blizzard, and some models from Scott, Movement, Amplid, Hart, Rossi, K2, Salomon, Atomic, Line and others. What a great event and a super fun experience. Thanks to Will Lachenaur and the rest of the WWSRA delegates as well as the WWSRA employees for putting it on.
What I cannot figure out is why more dealers don't show up. It is amazing to me that dealers order skis without skiing them! The sales reps do all they can to make these events fun and easy but still the turnout is probably less than half what it should be. Why anyone would skip a few days of skiing on the products you will be selling next year, going to free parties with all the food and beer you want, a chance to talk shop with your peers, and then ski with Ingrid Backstrom, Jessica Sobolowski, and other "celebrity" skiers is beyond me. It's one of those things that make you go hmmmm...
Anyway, we skied lot's. About ten testers from Calskico filled out test cards for everything they skied. The test cards will be put into an excel spreadsheet for my use (thanks David B) and then sent off to for inclusion in their ski test database. I think we covered about a hundred skis. Most models have multiple cards. Brian at Mammoth and Christian at Kirkwood share my boot legnth, so that is who I typically skied with. That way we could do a few runs and then trade skis without readjusting the bindings. At Mammoth we skied in packs of 4-6 so we could really get a lot of testing done. At Kirkwood we broke off more into ski catagories and did personal comparisons. Christian and I took Ladies skis and 95-100mm waist models.
Highlights of the Demo:
Stockli XXL, Palmer carving ski, Head iM78 chip, Fisher Watea line, Fischer Vision lineup, Elan 777, the Basque Dinner with the Fischer Crew in Garnerville NV, Showing the local hotshots how to play foosball with my Dalbello/Elan rep Will Lachenauer at the watchtower bar, Amplid C7 carving ski, the new Scot Schmidt model from Stockli (Please don't soften the tip if you are listening Scot).
It was nice to talk with and ski with other dealers as well. I don't think it is a coincidence that I did see Jim from The Starthaus, Christian Denis from Elite Feet, the Footloose gang and other representation from what I consider to be the better shops. Christian and I always seem to find we have similar viewpoints on matters having to do with sliding down hills on sticks. I only wish I could ski like him! It must suck to be on the slope at squaw a few hours every day!
Special thanks to Robin Barnes from Heavenly, Blake Yeamans and Guy for their input on the test.
Overall I was VERY pleased with our lines for next season. I'll post our test results when they are compiled.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Days of Bliss

Friday, February 8, 2008
Trying to test some skis
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Las Vegas Report
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Las Vegas in Winter
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Massive Snow!